AIDC'2010 Proceedings
The AIDC 2010 (September 17-19, 2010 Orsova, Mehedinti, ROMANIA) Conference Proceedings is published in the Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science, Vol. 37, No. 3 (2010)
- Extended Inheritance Knowledge Bases and their Interrogations by Client-Server Technology , Nicolae Tandareanu
- Fuzzy Logic Controller Based on Association Rules , Ion Iancu, Mihai Gabroveanu
- Using Mobile Agents for Handoff Tuning in Mobile WiMAX Networks , Gabriel Stoian, Claudiu Ionut Popirlan
- A Semiotics Approach of Abduction Ontology Query , Cristian Kevorchian
- Statistical Correlation Study , Dorel Savulea, Nicolae Constantinescu
- Projection Algorithm for Split Feasibility Problem , Cristina Popirlan
- An Exam Platform for Efficient Student Evaluation , Cristea Boboila, Maria Goae, Alexandru Savulescu
- XML Semantic Schema Annotation for Dependency Relationships , Mihaela Colhon
- A statistical comparison between an unsupervised neural network and a partially connected neural network in the detection of breast cancer , Smaranda Belciug
- DiaSys - A Dialogue System based on Conditional Knowledge , Cristina Zamfir
- Toward semantic annotation of Web page's segmentation blocks , Mirel Cosulschi
- Correlation Interpretation on Diabetes Mellitus Patients , Dana Danciulescu
- Pressure field of acoustic sensor of order q , Ana-Maria Chiselev, Luminita Moraru
- A note on BL-algebras with internal state , Nicolae Mircea Constantinescu
- A theorem of representation for Hilbert algebras , Dan Dorin Tascau
- Analysis of small tumours in ultrasound breast echography , Simona Moldovanu, Luminita Moraru
- A k-nearest neighbor approach for chromosome shape classification , Mircea-Sebastian Serbanescu
- Aspects of DNA Cryptography , Calina Popovici