Fundamental research
for period 1972-1990:
- Probabilistic Automata;
- Formal Languages;
- Boolean algebras, Generalized Boolean Functions;
after 1991:
- Lattices in Knowledge Representation (the use of lattice theory to study
the computability of the answer function for knowledge systems based on inheritance);
- Algebraic approach of knowledge representation ( the use of universal algebra in
knowledge representation, algebraic methods in knowledge representation and their implication
in problem solving, communicating semantics and image synthesis);
- Labelled stratified Graphs (algebraic properties and their applications)
- Knowledge Bases with Output
- Semantic schemas
Research grants
- The National University Research Council
Grant 35254/2001: Algebraic properties of the Labelled Stratified
Graphs and their usage in reasoning models
Grant 4636/1999: Knowledge Representation System based on Frames
and its implementation in a client-server architecture
Grant 23/1998:Using universal algebras in knowledge representation
Grant 5006/1996:Mathematical models for knowledge representation
Last update: Oct. 2009