Computational Logic - Prolog
SWI - Prolog

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Laboratories Contents
  1. Introduction
    1. Usual commands in SWI-Prolog.
    2. Introducing facts.
    3. Introducing rules.
    4. Using the predefined predicate fail.
    5. Exercises.

  2. General notions
    1. Terms in Prolog.
    2. The anonymous variable and when should one use it.
    3. Arithmetics in Prolog.
    4. Exercises.

  3. Unification and recursion
    1. Solved exercises: factorial calculus, Hanoi towers problem.
    2. Exercises.

  4. Lists
    1. Accessing an element in a list.
    2. Solved exercises with lists.
    3. Exercises.

Prolog laboratories are not available in English.

Last update: May 2008