M. Andrei, I. Iancu ,Teoria compilatoarelor si semantica limbajelor de programare , Reprografia Univ. Craiova, 1998
Alexandru Dinca, M. Andrei ,Limbaje formale si aplicatii , Editura Universitaria, Craiova, 2002
M. Andrei, C. Dumitrescu, V. Seleacu, L. Tutescu, St. Zanfir Some remarks on the Smarandache function, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol 14E (NO 1) 1995, p 35-40
M. Andrei, I. Balacenoiu, C. Dumitrescu, E. Radescu, N. Radescu, V. Seleacu A linear combination with Smarandache function to obtain the identity,Proc. of the 26 th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference Kerman, Iran, March 28-31, 1995, pag 437-439.
M. Andrei On Symmetry in Strings, Proceedings of the 2 nd. International Conference on Symmetry and Antisymmetry in Mathematics, Formal Languages and Computer Science, Brasov ,june 29- july 1, 2000, pag 31-35.
Conferinte si reuniuni stiintifice:
M. Andrei, I. Iancu:System for uncertain evidential reasoning, Al 5-lea simpozion International Automatics and Control System, Iasi, 26-28 octombrie, 1995
M. Andrei, C. Dumitrescu, V. Seleacu, L.Tutescu, St. Zanfir :La fonction de Smarandache une nouvelle fonction dans la theorie des nombres, Congres International H. Poincare, Nancy, 14-18 May, 1994
M. Andrei:Parallel Communicating Finite Automaton Systems with Terminal Transmission , Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania, 2-6 July 2001
M. Andrei:Generation of the symmetric bi-infinite sequences by Parallel Communication Grammar Systems , Conferinta Anuala a S.S.M.R., Brasov, 24-26 mai, 2001